general programming

what is the process to become a participant of the abriter housing program?

After an initial triage at Options Resource & Pregnancy Center for Youth, an Options Support Worker will then make an official internal referral to the Abriter program. You do not need a referral to be seen at Options, however, if you are already working with an outside organization or intervention worker, they are welcome to contact us as well. Click here to start the process

how much does the program cost per month?

A $450 per month fee will be associated with participation in the ABRITER program. This amount may vary depending on a preliminary assessment of a participant’s current financial situation. The participation fee includes a private bedroom, shared living space, internet and electricity, some transportation, and programming to support personal and parenting development. Meals are provided for short to medium-stay participants. Personal items are not covered (ie. hygiene products, items for babies).

I am in a couple, do you offer lodging for families?

Our housing accommodation programs are offered to single parents only.

I don’t have identification/status/etc. could I be eligible?

To participate in the Options Hosting Program, no identification or specific status is required.


As Options is a program of Montreal Youth Unlimited, our services are custom-tailored and reserved for “youth” aged teen through 25. We desire to offer a safe space for a younger demographic which may otherwise have difficulties accessing appropriate services. If you find yourself in need and are outside of this age bracket, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we would be glad to point you toward other resources. If material needs are required, and if our stock permits, we would be pleased to offer you some baby and maternity items to help you get on your feet.


Options provides holistic care and judgment-free services to individuals aged 25 and under, without discrimination. We believe that all people have value and are worthy of dignity, respect and care. Our team will look at the best placement for you and your child.

informed consent, education and personal choice

do you encourage people to have babies, even if circumstances are rough or they wish to terminate?

Individuals who have chosen to partake in programming at Abriter have expressed a personal decision to carry their pregnancy or to parent. Should someone be ambivalent and need support related to other pregnancy options (adoption, abortion), the Options support worker may facilitate this process if need be or redirect toward community or government resources.


Abriter is a program of Options, which does not identify nor align itself to these terms or ideologies and takes a non-political/non-partisan position.

The ABRITER program is meant for individuals who personally wish to continue a pregnancy or to parent, therefore in order to be eligible, a personal choice must already be in place.

For unintended pregnancy, Options offers a safe environment for an individual to make a pregnancy decision that is fully informed, evidence-based, consistent with her belief system, and free from external influence. Options is committed to offering clear, factual information related to all legal pregnancy choices available, in neutrality and safety. Informed consent, education and personal choice are at the core of all services provided. Options stands against all forms of manipulation, misinformation and coercion. Information, methodology and materials have been carefully considered by external medical and mental health professionals to ensure factuality and best practice. There are three legal pregnancy choices within our province, and at Options, each is given care, attention and space to be explored without judgment, and at free will. Options strives to create a welcoming and neutral environment for this processing to take place, taking into account triggers that can create bias, and as such, support rooms are free from baby imagery, as is the welcome page of the Options site. Statements from the Options site:

  • We do not take a political stance, nor have a political agenda

  • All options are shared in a neutral fashion

  • Continued care is offered, regardless of pregnancy outcome

  • Upfront about our services, even over the phone

  • If we cannot provide care/services needed, we redirect clients to other resources

  • We ask for consent before sharing sensitive information: ie. fetal development/abortion types, definitions (as needed)

  • We practice care through a trauma-informed lens

  • Our materials are reviewed by healthcare professionals

  • We are woman-focused: desiring her to feel equipped/encouraged/empowered

  • We provide a safe space for someone to make an informed choice consistent with their belief system

  • We have created our own resources and materials, with neutrality

  • Statistics used are drawn from medically-recognized, unbiased sources 

  • We stand against manipulation and misinformation

  • We create space for a person to experience and process their own feelings and beliefs surrounding pregnancy, abortion and adoption: both before and after their choice

  • We create dialogue and a different viewpoint surrounding the church’s response to unintended pregnancy

  • We advocate for those who feel pressured into a choice that is not their own

holistic care & faith

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." - WHO

Spiritual health increases as youth are provided opportunities for greater self-awareness and the development of supportive practices that can help them in their current situations and future life. Research shows that identifying and cultivating a sense of purpose (faith, culture, identity) positively contribute to neutralizing early trauma and building resilience through times of adversities. (ACES info)


Many people of diverse backgrounds have spiritual beliefs, and regardless of the classification as “spiritual”, people have values and moral standards which inform their actions. We believe these elements are extremely valuable to whole-person care, because through exploring their values and worldviews, clients can determine what is important to them, which will have an impact on their current circumstances and future actions.

How does Abriter programming DELIVER spiritual care?

As part of the Youth Unlimited family, Options joins in the collective mission to “empower the youth of Quebec to attain their full-life potential by responding to their relational, intellectual, physical, and emotional needs, and by encouraging them to pursue a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.”

Spiritual care is structured around collective and personal reflection, open discussion, and respect for one anothers’ thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Elements of the Christian faith are incorporated, including scripture and the teachings of Jesus, within this context of reflection, discussion, and respect.

Programming includes practicing thankfulness; times for quiet and reflection; art, music, writing, and creative exercises; calming exercises; and discussion around purpose, personal value, and valuing others.

Have more questions? We would love to chat! Send us an email, give us a call or take an appointment so we can dig a little deeper together.